Ncross-presentation by dendritic cells pdf files

Dendritic cells are the professional apcs of our immune system that are key in. Adjuvants enhancing crosspresentation by dendritic cells. Thesestudiessupporttheviewthat, under certain circumstances, speci. Crosspresentation of cellassociated antigens by mhc. In vivo, cross presentation is mainly carried out by specific dendritic cell dc subsets through an. The primary and most efficient crosspresenting cells are dendritic cells, though.

However, cross presentation by dc of exogenous antigens on class i. Limited proteolysis in the endocytic compartments of dendritic cells dcs favours crosspresentation by preventing the destruction of internalized antigens. As a model to study crosspresentation pathways in dendritic cells, we have previously. Targeting uptake receptors on human plasmacytoid dendritic. Dcs are especially known for their ability to crosspresent, as they process and present exogenous antigens on mhci molecules much more efficiently than other phagocytes.

We discuss a the antigenic requirements for crosspresentation, b the phenotype of the antigen presenting cell apc, c the cellular interactions and molecular signals involved in crosspriming, and d the factors that direct the immune system toward tolerance or immunity. Targeting uptake receptors on human plasmacytoid dendritic cells triggers antigen crosspresentation and. Molecular mechanisms of dendritic cell crosspresentation dendritic cells are the professional apcs of our immune system that are key in linking innate and adaptive immunity. In vivo, crosspresentation is mainly carried out by specific dendritic cell dc subsets through an adaptation of their endocytic and phagocytic pathways. Publication processes organization and format errata, author corrections, retractions. Dendritic cells dcs have the unique ability to pick up dead cells carrying antigens in tissue and migrate to the lymph nodes where they can. Dendritic cells have the ability to efficiently present internalized antigens on major histocompatibility complex mhc i molecules. Pdf crosspresentation by dendritic cells researchgate. The ability to crosspresent has been thought of as a feature of specialized dc subsets. Adjuvants enhancing crosspresentation by dendritic cells frontiers.

Antigen crosspresentation describes the process through which dendritic cells dcs acquire exogenous antigens for presentation on mhc class i molecules. In vivo, crosspresentation is mainly carried out by specific dendritic cell dc subsets through an. Crosspresentation by dendritic cells 491 internalized into cells of the dc lineage either through cd4 and the coreceptors ccr5 or cxcr4, but also through dcsign for interstitial. Dendritic cellmediated antigen presentation initiates specific immune responses. Current concepts of antigen crosspresentation ncbi. Crosspresentation is the ability of certain antigenpresenting cells to take up, process and. Molecular mechanisms of dendritic cell crosspresentation. Antigen crosspresentation by dendritic cell subsets. In the cytosolic pathway, exogenous antigens are translocated from endosomal compartments into the cytosol for degradation by the proteasome. Receptors and crosspresentation in dendritic cells journal of.

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